No. P-42/BC/2008




That to implement provisions in Article 9 of Regulation of the Minister of Finance No. 144/PMK.04/2007 concerning the Release of Imported Goods for Use, it is necessary to stipulate Regulation of the Director General of Customs and Excise concerning Guidance to Release Imported Goods for Use;

In view of:


To stipulate:



Article 1

In this Regulation of the Director General of Customs and Excise:


Part One
Submission of PIB

Article 2

(1) The release of imported goods from the customs area or other place treated the same as TPS for use shall be notified using an import notification (PIB). submitted to the Customs Office.

(2) Excepted from provisions in paragraph (1) shall be:

(3) Importers shall make PNBP payments for PIB services through a perception foreign exchange bank, perception post office, or Customs Office at the time of submitting PIB at the latest.

(4) Provisions on tariffs, procedure of imposing tariffs and making payments for PNBP shall follow the regulation on PNBP.

(5) Provisions on the release of imported goods as described in paragraph (2) are to be laid down in a special regulation of the Director General.

Article 3

(1) PIB shall be made by importers based on complementary customs documents and excise tape order documents by calculating import duty, excise and PDRI themselves.

(2) If importers do not take care of PIB as described in paragraph (1) themselves, they shall delegate it to PPJK.

Article 4

(1) Importers shall adhere to import ban and/or restriction set by technical agency.

(2) Research on whether or not importers adhere to import ban and/or restriction as described in paragraph (1) shall be carried out by:

(3) PIB is served after provisions on import ban and/or restriction as described in paragraph (1) have been fulfilled.

Part Two
Procedure of Submitting PIB

Article 5

(1) PIB is submitted to the Customs Office for any import or periodically after the transporter has submitted customs notification on the goods transported (BC.1.1), except importers allowed to submit pre-notification.

(2) PIB is submitted in the form of electronic data or writing on paper.

(3) PIB in the form of electronic data is submitted through the customs PDE system or using electronic data storing media.

(4) The submission of PIB to the Customs Office already applying a customs PDE system is done through a customs PDE system.

(5) PIB, complementary customs documents and import duty, excise and PDRI payment documents are submitted to the official at the Customs Office where goods are released.

(6) If imported goods are in the form of excisable goods (BKC), whose excise is settled by attaching excise tapes, in addition to import duty, PPnBM, PPh and PNBP payment documents, excise tape order documents are submitted to the official at the Customs Office where the goods are released.

(7) Provisions on the periodic submission of PIB as described in paragraph (1) are to be set forth in a separate regulation of the Director General.

Article 6

(1) When PIB is submitted through the customs PDE system, PIB, complementary customs documents, import duty, PDRI, and PNBP payment documents, and excise tape order documents must be submitted to the official at the Customs Office where the goods are released, within:

(2) Excepted from the obligation to submit the print outs of PIB and import duty, excise, PDRI, and PNBP payment documents, and excise tape order documents as described in paragraph (1) are Priority MITA and non Priority MITA.

(3) If provisions in paragraph (1) are not met, the submission of the next PIB by the relevant importer will not be served until the provisions are met.

Part Three
Application To Change PIB Data

Article 7

(1) Any importer can correct wrong PIB data by filing an application to the Head of the Customs Office.

(2) Provisions on the correction of wrong PIB data as described in paragraph (1) are to be laid down in a separate regulation of the Director General.

Part four
Import Duty, Excise and PDRI payments

Article 8

(1) Import duty and PDRI payments are made by:

(2) Periodic payment can be made by Priority MITA and importers granted periodic PIB privileges.

(3) If payments are made by cash, the importer shall make payments for import duty, excise on imported alcoholic ethyl and PDRI before submitting PIB to the Customs Office.

(4) Payments for import duty, excise on imported alcoholic ethyl and PDRI as described in paragraph (3) are made through a perception foreign exchange bank or perception post office.

(5) Especially for imports at the Customs Office applying a customs PDE system, payments for import duty, excise on imported alcoholic ethyl and PDRI as described in paragraph (4) are made through a perception foreign exchange bank or perception post office connected to the customs PDE system.

(6) Payments as described in paragraph (3) are made using SSPCP.

(7) SSPCP as described in paragraph (6) submitted to the Customs Office must carry bank transaction number (NTB)/post transaction number (NTP) and/or state receipt transaction number (NTPN).

(8) NTB/NTP and/or NTPN as described in paragraph (7) for PIB registered at the Customs Office applying a customs PDE system are submitted by the perception Foreign Exchange Bank or Perception Post Office to the Customs Office in an electronic way.


Part One
Customs Value

Article 9

(1) The Customs Value for the calculation of import duty and PDRI is the transaction value of the relevant goods.

(2) If The Customs Value as described in paragraph (1) can not be calculated based on transaction value, customs value is set hierarchically based on transaction value of identical goods, the transaction value of similar goods, deduction method, computation method or fair and consistent method.

(3) The Customs Value as described in paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) is calculated based on cost insurance freight (CIF).

(4) Provisions on the calculation of customs value are to be set forth in a separate regulation of the Director General.

Part Two
The Setting of NDPBM

Article 10

(1) To calculate import duty, excise on imported alcoholic ethyl and PDRI, NDPBM used is that prevailing at the time of:

(2) The exchange rate of currency used as NDPBM, as described in paragraph (1) is set under a Decision of the Minister of Finance that issued periodically.

(3) If the exchange rate of currency used as NDPBM is not mentioned in the Decision of the Minister of Finance as described in paragraph (2), the exchange rate of currency used as NDPBM is the daily spot exchange rate of the relevant foreign currency at the international market against the United States dollar in the closing trade on the previous working day.

Part Three
The Classification and Charging of Imported Goods

Article 11

(1) The classification and charging of imported goods for the calculation of import duty and PDRI are based on the Indonesia Import Duty Tariff Book (BTBMI).

(2) In case of amendment to provisions in the import sector making the charging different from BTBMI, the amended provisions shall be applied.

(3) The dassification and charging of imported goods is subject to provisions at the time when PIB is granted registration number at the Customs Office.

Part Four
The Calculation of Import Duty, Excise and PDRI

Article 12

(1) Import duty that must be paid is calculated as follows:

(2) PPN, PPnBM, and PPh that must be paid are calculated as follows:

(3) The Import Duty as described in paragraph (2) is import duty paid, deferred and/or government borne.

(4) Import duty, excise and PDRI are calculated for each type of imported goods contained in PIB and rounded up to full thousand rupiah for one PIB.


Part One
Selective Customs Inspection

Article 13

(1) Imported goods whose PIB has been submitted are subject to selective customs inspection based on risk management.

(2) The customs inspection as described in paragraph (1) covers the inspection of documents and the physical inspection of goods.

Part Two
The Setting of Lanes

Article 14

To conduct selective customs inspection as described in Article 13 paragraph (1), lanes for the release of imported goods are set.

Article 15

(1) The Lanes for the release of Imported Goods as described in Article 14 are as follows:

(2) For Imported Goods constituting:

(3) If the lane for the release of imported goods is declared Yellow Lane and laboratory inspection is needed, the importer is required to prepare goods for sampling.

(4) The yellow lane as described in paragraph (1) b may be subject to physical inspection through NHI mechanism based on information from the document inspecting official.

Article 16

(1) The importer whose imported goods are declared red lane must:

(2) If the importer does not meet provisions in paragraph (1), the importer may be subject to physical inspection by the official at the importer's risk and cost.

(3) At the request of importer or proxy, the period of time as described in paragraph (1) can be extended if the relevant party can explain the cause of failure conduct physical inspection.

(4) To conduct physical inspection as described in paragraph (1) the TPS entrepreneur must give the needed technical assistance at the importer's cost.

Part Three
Physical Inspection

Article 17

(1) The physical inspection of goods must be started at least 3 (three) working days after the date of SPJM or SPPF.

(2) The importer or proxy shall report preparations for the start of physical inspection to the official.

(3) Provisions on the physical inspection of imported goods are to be provided for in a separate regulation of the Director General.

Article 18

(1) When the Customs Office operates a container scanner, physical inspection can be conducted using the container scanner.

(2) The inspection using a container scanner as described in paragraph (1) is conducted on:

(3) Excepted from inspection through a container scanner as described in paragraph (1) are:

Article 19

(1) To obtain accurate identification of Imported Goods, the document inspector Official can order a laboratory test.

(2) The laboratory test as described in paragraph (1) conducted at the Goods Test and Identification Hall is subject to PNBP.

Part Four
The Inspection of Customs Tariffs and Value

Article 20

(1) To meet the financial rights of the state and provisions on the import of goods, the official shall conduct an inspection on the customs tariffs and value notified.

(2) The inspection as described in paragraph (1) shall be completed no later than 30 (thirty) days after PIB is registered.

(3) Provisions on the inspection of customs tariffs and value as described in paragraph (1) are to be provided for in a separate regulation of the Director General.

Article 21

(1) If the inspection as described in Article 20 paragraph (1) leads to import duty, excise and PDRI underpayments, the official shall issue a customs tariff and/or value assessment form (SPTNP).

(2) When SPTNP is issued to PIB declared red lane or yellow lane, the official shall issue SPPB after:

Part Five

Article 22

(1) Any individual can file an objection in writing to the decision made by the official on:

(2) The objection as described in paragraph (1) is filed to:

(3) The individual filing an objection as described in paragraph (1) shall hand guarantee as much as the amount of claim to the state; except if:


Article 23

The release of imported goods for use is done after receiving approval from the computer service system or official.

Article 24

(1) Provisions on the settlement of imported goods for use with PIB submitted through the customs PDE system follow attachment I to this Regulation of the Director General.

(2) Provisions on the settlement of imported goods for use with PIB submitted through electronic data storing media follow attachment II to this Regulation of the Director General.

(3) Provisions on the settlement of imported goods for use with PIB submitted using writing on paper follow attachment II to this Regulation of the Director General.


Part One

Article 25

(1) Any importer can submit prenotification by filing PIB:

(2) PIB as described in paragraph (1) is submitted according to Article 24.

Part Two
Excepted Imported Goods

Article 26

(1) If at the time of releasing imported goods from the customs area the volume of goods falls short of the volume notified in PIB (excepted), the settlement of the shortage will be done using the initial PIB no later than 60 (sixty) days after the date of SPPB.

(2) Provisions on the settlement of excepted imported goods follow attachment IV to this Regulation of the Director General.

Part Three
The Import of Excisable Goods (BKC)

Article 27

(1) Any importer intending to import BKC shall hold excisable goods company code number (NPPBKC).

(2) Imported goods in the form of BKC shall have their excise settled SPPB is issued.

(3) Excepted from the obligation to settle excise as described in paragraph (2) are imported goods in the form of BKC granted:

Part Four
Banned and/or Restricted Goods

Article 28

If imported goods subject to a ban and/or restriction are notified correctly in PIB but have not met import requirements, the other imported goods not subject to a ban and/or restriction in the relevant PIB are allowed to obtain approval for their release after profound inspection is conducted.

Part Five
The Cancellation of PIB

Article 29

(1) PIB submitted to the Customs Office applying a customs PDE system can be cancelled only if:

(2) PIB is cancelled with approval from the Head of Customs Office or the appointed official based on an application from the importer.

Part Six

Article 30

The models of forms used in this Regulation of the Director General follow Attachment V.

Part Seven
Special Provisions

Article 31

Provisions in this Regulation of the Director General do not apply to the release of imported goods for use which is specifically provided for in regulations in the customs field; such as:


Article 31

The mechanism of settling imported goods for use with PIB sent through a customs PDE system or electronic data storing media based on:


Article 33

If reguired, the Heads of the Regional Offices of the Directorate General or the Heads of KPU BC can stipulate further technical guidance on the procedure of importing goods for use, provided that it does not contradict this Regulation of the Director General.

Article 34

When this Regulation of the Director General takes effect:

Article 35

This Regulation of the Director General shall come into force 30 (thirty) days after the date of stipulation.

For public cognizance, this Regulation of the Director General shall be announced by placing it in the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia.

Stipulated in Jakarta
on December 31, 2008
NIP 120050332